PancakeSwap (v2)
Overview, Markets and Information$40,320,163
24h Trading Volume
Ƀ 386
24h Trading Volume (BTC)
PancakeSwap (v2) is a leading cryptocurrency trading exchange, offering a diverse selection of the most popular cryptocurrencies. With a remarkable trading volume of $40,320,163 in the last 24 hours, it stands as a prominent player in the market.
The exchange boasts an extensive range of markets, providing users with ample opportunities to explore and trade their favorite digital assets. It supports an impressive array of trading pairs, catering to both novice and experienced traders.
Established in 2020 and headquartered in , PancakeSwap (v2) has garnered a strong reputation for its reliable and secure platform. Users can seamlessly navigate the exchange and enjoy a user-friendly experience.
The exchange boasts an extensive range of markets, providing users with ample opportunities to explore and trade their favorite digital assets. It supports an impressive array of trading pairs, catering to both novice and experienced traders.
Established in 2020 and headquartered in , PancakeSwap (v2) has garnered a strong reputation for its reliable and secure platform. Users can seamlessly navigate the exchange and enjoy a user-friendly experience.
Year Established | 2020 |
Website | |
Rank | 101 |
Country | |
Has Trading Incentive | No |
Centralized | No |
Coin | Pair | Volume | Volume (BTC) | Volume (USD) | Volume % |
Binance Bridged Usdt | 0X55D39832/0XBB4CDB9C | 4,866,207 | Ƀ 46 | $4,822,709 | 11.96% |
Simon S Cat | 0X6894CDE3/0XBB4CDB9C | 152,941,216,186 | Ƀ 31 | $3,207,897 | 7.96% |
Panther Ai | 0X13A5C811/0XBB4CDB9C | 25,588,585 | Ƀ 13 | $1,417,952 | 3.52% |
Coco Coin | 0XF563E86E/0X55D39832 | 648,133,940 | Ƀ 9 | $963,281 | 2.39% |
Wise Monkey | 0X59E69094/0XBB4CDB9C | 98,672,506,745 | Ƀ 7 | $786,510 | 1.95% |
Wbnb | 0XBB4CDB9C/0XE9E7CEA3 | 963 | Ƀ 6 | $663,629 | 1.65% |
Altura | 0X8263CD16/0XBB4CDB9C | 5,075,117 | Ƀ 5 | $576,549 | 1.43% |
Anime Token | 0XAC472D0E/0XBB4CDB9C | 119,885,517 | Ƀ 5 | $552,260 | 1.37% |
Tokenfi | 0X4507CEF5/0XBB4CDB9C | 14,309,875 | Ƀ 5 | $539,873 | 1.34% |
Koma Inu | 0XD5EAAAC4/0XBB4CDB9C | 8,492,624 | Ƀ 4 | $506,690 | 1.26% |