Orphan Block Definition
An orphan block, also known as a detached block, in the context of blockchain technology, is a block that is not incorporated into the blockchain network. This usually occurs when two miners solve a block simultaneously but because of the small delay in propagation, the network accepts only one block and rejects the other, causing it to become an orphan block.
Orphan Block Key Points
- Orphan blocks are blocks that are not included in the blockchain network.
- They occur when two miners solve a block simultaneously, but due to propagation delay, one block doesn’t get recognized by the network.
- These blocks, although solved correctly, do not contribute to the overall network and are virtually misplaced.
- Orphan blocks are a natural event in the blockchain network, and miners of orphan blocks receive no block reward.
What is an Orphan Block?
Orphan blocks are a naturally occurring event within a blockchain system where two miners solving for a block at the same time results in one block getting admitted to the network and other becoming unused, hence known as an Orphan Block. They are valid blocks but get detached from the network due to small propagation delays.
Why Does Orphan Block Happen?
When two miners produce a valid solve for a block nearly simultaneously, both try to add their block to the network. However, because of the time it takes for the information to propagate through the network, some nodes may receive one block first, while others may receive the other block first. Depending on which block gets the majority acknowledgment first, that block gets added to the blockchain and the other block becomes an orphan.
Where are Orphan Blocks Found?
Orphan blocks can be found in any blockchain network where multiple miners are working concurrently on solving blocks. They are not isolated to any specific network and can happen on Bitcoin, Ether, or any other cryptocurrency blockchain.
When Does an Orphan Block Occur?
Orphan blocks can occur at any time within a blockchain network. The occurrence is random and unpredictable, as it relies on the near-simultaneous solve of a block by two different miners and the propagation time variance within the network.
How Does an Orphan Block Affect the Network?
For the network, orphan blocks can cause a slight delay in transactions due to the reorganization of the blockchain. For miners, however, orphan blocks can mean potential lost revenue as the block they solved and the associated block reward is not recognized by the network. Despite the possible inconveniences, orphan blocks are seen as a necessary occurrence within a functioning blockchain system.